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Rpv2Pdf utility
pv2Pdf.exe is an utility that intended to export files accepted by RPV to PDF.


rpv2pdf.exe InputFile, OutputFile.PDF, [-V][+FROMPG-TOPG]

The input file, output file and the rest of the parameters given must be separated with commas to avoid inconveniences with files names containing spaces.

The parameters mean the following:

V This parameter indicates that the interface of Rpv2PDF will be visible. If this parameter is omitted, the program will run invisible without any interface.
+FROMPG-TOPG. These arguments allow to define automatically which pages will be exported.


rpv2pdf.exe c:\report.rpx, c:\report.pdf, -v +1-10

This example shows how to generate the report.pdf file, showing the interface and exporting only pages from 1 to 10.

The input file can be any file accepted by Rpv, including text files with extensions txt, lst and prn.
To execute this utility is is required the PDF995 printer. This printer is installed with Rpv automatically. Without that printer, is not possible to use this utility.

Note: old versions of Rpv Reports use NOVAPDF as engine to convert reports to PDF. However, the mentioned tool was changed by PDF995 due to incompatibilies with most recent versions of Windows
Old versions of Rpv Reports that use the old engine keep working, even though they may not export to PDF properly from the latest versions of Windows. To solve this problem we strongly recommend to update the version of Rpv Reports.

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