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RPV Reports Usage Examples
On this page you will find different usage examples on many languages. If you want to share an interesting program with us, do not hesitate to send us your example. Go to contact form.

Cobol Examples
Creating a new report using COBOL & RPV
This example shows how to prepare a report and preview it using RM/COBOL + RPV.
Generating an RPV Report with Rm/COBOL
This example shows how to prepare and preview a report extracting the data from an external file using RM/COBOL & RPV.
Generating an RPX report with Rm/COBOL
This example shows how to prepare an RPX report using Rm/COBOL & RPV.
Generating three different reports using the same procedure
This example shows how to prepare THREE different reports using THE SAME procedure using Rm/COBOL & RPV.
How to adapt your existing COBOL programs
This example will show you how to effectively use RPV with your existing Cobol programs.
How to generate a report using PowerCOBOL
This example shows how to prepare a report and preview it using PowerCOBOL + RPV.