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RPX file format
Generating graphical reports from plain delimited files.
The RPX concept is based on delimited files, that combined with an existing template will let you prepare a professional report.

You can obtain the following report:


From this plain file:

How do RPX files work?
Very simple: your application must generate a delimited file (the Rpx file that you see above) and after that, the application will combine it with the template.

Template file pupils1.rpv
   {$col_1;c=2}New Country School{\n;\n;\n}
   {s=14;c=0;b=n;$col_1} Pupils Report {$col_5;s=8;b=y}PAGE {pag;b=n}
   {s=8;b=y;$col_1} Last Name{$col_2} First Name{$col_3} Age{\n}


In this case, the template is PUPILS1.RPV. The template is declared in the beginning of the Rpx file.

Using this concept is possible to generate different reports only changing the template. For example if your application must generate different reports for each customer, it will not be necessary to recompile your aplication. Only adjusting the templates will be enough.

How does the RPX file and the template integrate?
We observe on [data] section a sub-section called "data1". This sub-section contains three fields: @field1, @field2 y @field3.
Each field will take the value sent by the Rpx file.
Then, when we find this line on the Rpx file:


The program will take three values and it will assign them to @field1, @field2 and @field3.
This process will repeat each time that "data1" appears on the Rpx file.

Starting Rpv.exe to preview / print the report
To obtain the report on the screen, you application must execute the following:

C:\Program files\Rpv\Rpv.exe pupils1.rpx

(or the name of the Rpx file you have generated)

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