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Programming an Rpd report.

We must begin knowing that Rpd files are specially to generate forms such as invoices, receipts, etc.

We said that Rpd files were Rpv data files, so we will need to prepare an Rpv file first to begin.

Example of an "Rpv" report to generate an "Rpd". (This example is in the VB sample application).

Suppose that the following text will be saved as "c:\templates\template_1.rpv".

report_title=Employees report (format RPD)
{\n;\n;1900;c=2;b=y} Rpv Sample ID. {c=0;b=n;\n;\n;\n}
{s=10;$a;u=y;b=y} @emp_id {$b} @emp_name {u=n;b=n;\n;\n}
{$a} Address: {$b} @emp_address {$c} Phone: @emp_phone {\n}
{$a} E-mail: {$b} @emp_e_mail {\n}
{$a} Birth date: {$b} @emp_birth_date {\n}
{$a} Area: {$b} @emp_area {$c} Salary: @emp_salary {\n}
{$a} Schedule: {$b} @emp_schedule {$c} Start date: @emp_start_date {\n;\n;\n}
{s=20;u=y;b=y;i=y;c=1;2400} Rpv sample ID {\n;\n;\n}
{a=c;$b} Photo N/A {\n}
{a=r;$1}ID Number: {$2;a=l;b=y} @emp_id {b=n;\n}
{a=r;$1}Name: {$2;a=l;b=y} @emp_name {b=n;\n}
{a=r;$1}Area: {$2;a=l;b=y} @emp_area {b=n;\n}
{a=r;$1}Schedule: {$2;a=l;b=y} @emp_schedule {b=n;\n}
{a=r;$1}E-mail {$2;a=l;b=y} @emp_e_mail {b=n;spacing=350;\n}
{s=15;600;bar} @emp_id {nobar}

If you read this file with Rpv in you should see the following.

Please observe that instead of names, e-mails, id numbers you see an "@" char and the name of a variable.
The variables must begin with the "@" char in all of cases.

After we have the Rpv report contaning this, we have to write an Rpd report with the following format. (This file must be saved with Rpd extension)

@emp_name=Carlos Campos
@emp_address=Independencia 990
@emp_schedule=13 to 17:00

First line that we see identifies the template that will "receive" the rest of the data.
After that, in any order, we must place the variables, equals sign and a literal value for it.

It is really important to know that all the variables must be declared in the Rpd report. This means that if there is no value for @emp_e_mail, the variable must be present anyway with no value. If some variable is ommited, then the application will interpret that is a literal and not a variable.



Observe that @emp_e_mail variable is declared even when doesn't have any value.

See also:

See Rpv sample application.

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