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Rpv Reports 6. A new look for your reports.

Create reports from any language

From COBOL to C+, Clipper or VB.NET this version of Rpv is the easiest to be integrated to your working or future projects.

New look, more features.

The new look and more capabilities of Rpv combines better with the new operating systems. Rpv is prepared to run on current versions of Windows.
Rpv Reports will not slow your system at all! The performance of the tool is the same performance of Rpv Business Reports. On new computers it will be faster but on old machines there will not be any problem.

Rpv Reports Viewer

The main program of Rpv Reports provides now more alternatives and tools to the users. Rpv Reports Viewer is intended to avoid the printing process, avoiding also to waste paper, ink, money and specially taking care of the environment.
  • New paper styles help the user to read the reports
  • Find tools shows all the occurrences at once providing a better way to find text on your reports
  • See the thumbnails of the pages and jump to the one you want to see
  • Export and send your reports by e-mail in one step
  • Use the highlighters, yellow notes and checks to add notes to your reports

Web reports? Yes!

Rpv opens a report on a web location. This version of Rpv executes PHP files so everything can be "on the other side"
Prepare programs in PHP that generate RPX format instead HTML and Rpv will manage them. Data, templates, images: all of them can be on a web server.

Visual Editor for Rpx and Rpd formats

Of course this Rpv includes also the Visual Editor to prepare the templates with zero code. Generate the Rpx, prepare the template visually and have your reports running quickly.

Rpv E-Mailer

The Rpv E-Mailer is new and offers new possibilities.
  • Send any e-mail: it is not needed that the e-mail is or contains a report.
  • Prepare a webpage, collect the html code and generate a very attractive e-mail.
  • Send your reports automatically in PDF. Rpv E-Mailer takes care of the conversion and send the message.
  • Define when the e-mail must be sent. The message will be sent at an specific time. Generate a campaign with ease.
  • Rpv E-Mailer also accepts to set different outgoing parameters, so it is possible to use different identities for sending reports.

Limited Royalty free

Rpv Reports is Limited Royalty Free. This method gives permission to install end user edition on multiple computers, purchasing only the licenses for developers.
In other words, no charges for end users at all.

Rpv Visual Editor

The RPV Viewer

Rpv Visual Editor

The RPV Viewer

Rpv E-Mailer

The RPV Viewer

Rpv E-Mailer

The RPV Viewer

Rpv E-Mailer

The RPV Viewer

1 user developer / multiple end users / 1 year support and updates.
Pricing information

What Rpv is
Rpv Reports 2024

Rpv Reports 2024
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