Rpv Reports has many different ways to solve a problem. To choose the right one is essential.
That is the reason that we do not offer only training. We offer training and consultancy at the same time.
What we do in this case is to study the customer's needs to offer the appropiate solution, and training the customer in the specific points that needs to be trained.
One of the biggest issues regarding this matter for our customers is to define the best way to solve a problem. Many times they do not choose the best option but the one they think is the easiest, thus wasting a lot of time and approaching the solutions in a not so convenient way.
We hear the problems and needs, and after we understood them, we offer the best possible solution, we help the customer to implement the solution, and train the user to be able to solve him/herself next time.
Please contact us and take 100% of control of your tool.