{Graph_Height=5000} |
Defines the height
of the chart. Expressed in twips. |
{Graph_Width=7000} |
Defines the width
of the chart. Expressed in twips. |
{Graph_Type=3D} |
Defines the type of
chart. Three values are allowed: "2D","3D" and "Pie" depending of the chart
that it is needed to be shown. |
{Graph_Background=255,255,255} |
Graph_background is
used to define two colors to be used to show the background of the chart.
Since they are two colors, it must be expressed using six values from 0 to
255. The first three are the top color and the last three are the bottom
In case that you need a solid color in the background, one posibility is to
keep the three second values identical the first three or just omit the
three second values. |
{Graph_ShowSeriesTitles=Y} |
Allowed Y or N,
this parameter will show or not the box containing the colors and references
of the chart. |
{Graph_ShowAxis=N} |
Allowed Y or N,
this parameter defines to show or not the axis of the chart. Appies only for
2D and 3D charts. |
{Graph_AxisColor_2=200,200,200} |
These two values
must be expressed using three colors each, from 0 to 255 for red, green and
blue. Keep both values identical if you need only one color for the
background. |
{Graph_ShowAxisBackground=Y} |
Allowed Y or N,
this parameter determines if the background (composed by the two colors axis
color 1 and axis color 2) will be shown. |
{Graph_ShowValuesFontColor=0,128,192} |
This parameters
define the attributes of the font that will be used to show the numbers on
each value.
To define the colors use the three values format. |
{Graph_series=8} |
This parameter
defines the number of series the chart will contain. Default value for it is
1. |
{Graph_Title=The title
{Graph_Title_FontColor=128,0,64} |
Used to determine
the title and its attributes. If Graph_title has no value, the other
parameters are not needed.
To define the colors use the three values format. |
{Graph_Layout_FontColor=0,128,192} |
Used to define the
font attributes for the text of the axis.
To define the colors use the three values format. |
{Graph_Layout_Values=Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr} |
This parameter
defines the texts to write to represent each value. Note that it is possible
that your program generates the texts.
The values must be separated by commas. |
{Graph_serie_1_values=40,20,30,50} |
These four
parameters are specially to define properties of each serie. In the example
we only show them for serie #1, but it is accepted for series 2, 3 and 4.
The first (type) is to define BAR, LINE or AREA. In case that you have
selected 3D, line will be "tape".
The second (color) defines the main color of the serie. Depending on the
Graph_type that you selected and the type of chart for the serie, new colors
will be built using the main color. For example for 3D charts, you will see
the color that you defined and other colors (lighter and darker) to
represent 3D effects. All of them are based on the main color.
Third (ShowValues) is the one that specifies if the values will be shown in
the BAR, LINE or AREA. Y or N allowed.
The last (values) is the most important parameter. These are THE VALUES of
the chart and they must be given by your program. |