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TxtToRpv.exe. Convert a plain text file into an Rpv report.
The external utility TxtToRpv.exe generates an Rpv file from a text file or a plain file according given parameters.

Syntax: TxtToRpv.exe File_Txt, File_Rpv [, Conversion][, Orientation], PageLength, PageWidth, FontName, FontSize[, LogFile]

File_Txt is the original text file to be converted. It is important to note that it is not necesary that its extension is TXT but its structure must be plain.

File_Rpv is the output Rpv file. If it doesn't exist it will be created. If it existed, it will be overwritten.

Conversion is the conversion table to be used for those languages that need special chars such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and many others. English doesn't need any conversion table. This conversion will be needed only if the text file was created using a Dos based program o some other operating system that does not show some characters properly.

Orientation defines 1 for vertical or portrait and 2 for landscape.

PageLength and PageWidth define the lenght and width of the page. It must be expressed in twips.

FontName defines the font to be used in the output Rpv file. It is strongly recommended to use fonts that have all the characters of the same size (such as "courier new" or "FixedSys").

FontSize defines the size of the font (in points).

LogFile defines the log file. In case that you don't specify, the file will be "TxtToRpv.log". Example:

TxtToRpv c:\autoexec.bat, c:\temp\autoexec.rpv,, 2, 16840, 11907, "courier new", 8

This example will take "c:\autoexec.bat" and will generate "c:\temp\autoexec.rpv" to be shown/printed by Rpv, using A4 paper (16840, 11907), with its text in "courier new", 8 points.
From Windows 95, long names are accepted by the operating system. For that reason, parameters given to some external utilities like this one must be separated by commas and not by spaces.

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