Enriched RPX format
This feature is available from Rpv Reports 2021+ (R20230207).
The RPX format has been enriched to add properties to the reports in a better way.
Now is possible to give the template some properties that in the past only could be set by specifying a subsection in the CONFIGURATION section of the report.
The new properties or settings are given using special direct commands.
For example, if we have a report that has to be sent to an specific printer, or to an specific WhatsApp number, it is possible to do it in this way:'
>>PRINTER=Invoice Printer
|head01|Name here|Surname here|Invoice No|Phone|etc|
How does it work? |
In the RPX, AND BEFORE THE DATA BEGINS the settings are sent with "double greater than" >>.
'>>' mean that they are settings of the report. They must be in the first position of the line. All of them must be placed before any data line of the RPX (|head01| in this case).
The settings that are sent using this method will overwrite the settings specified in the template if they are set.