X / Column
This property sets the horizontal position of the object (X position). It can be set with numbers or with one of the declared columns.
It is also possible to define values such as "$Col_01 + 200" to obtain a value related to a declared column.
Y position
The property "Y position" defines the vertical position of the object related to the beginning of the section or subsection it is into. Expressed in twips.
Sets the width of the object. Expressed in twips.
Sets the height of the object. Expressed in twips.
Line width
Defines the width of the line (not the object). This property is available for the objects BOX, LINE, ANYLINE and CIRCLE.
The Colors are expressed in R, G, B mode with values from 0 to 255 each. Additionally, it is possible to open the Windows color pallette for every field used to define the color of the object.
Filled box
This property indicates if the box will be filled of color or only the borders will be shown.
Dashed line
Defines if the line will be dashed or solid. Available for BOX, LINE and ANYLINE. This property will have effect only if the property Line Width is set to 1.
Align to grid
This property is to indicate if the object will be aligned to the grid automatically. In case that is set to "No", it can be moved freely.
Print at runtime
This property defines if the object will be printed or not when the report is sent to printer. This property doesn't affect the report on screen. This feature is very useful to work with preprinted forms when the information must be seen on screen but not sent to the printer.