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Adding textboxes to your reports

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Rpv Reports has the ability to work with textboxes. This is specially useful to prepare some simple forms.
To insert a textbox select the tool and click on the place the textbox must be inserted.

Properties of the textbox

The textboxes have some special properties that are important.

Property Explanation
Initial expression This is the initial value of the textbox. After it is changed, it will only return to this value if the report is reloaded. It is possible to specify a literal or a @variable coming from the Rpx or Rpd.
@variable This is the variable that will store the value of the textbox. The variable must begin with "@_". Being this way, @country is not a valid name, but @_country is. The variable can be used later in any part of the current section or subsection.
Borderstyle The borderstyle indicates which border the textbox has. Options are 0: no border, 1: single border and 2: 3d border.
Backcolor The backcolor sets the back color of the textbox.

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