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Rpv Visual Editor can insert barcodes and QR codes in your reports. It is possible to do it by selecting the tool available in the vertical toolbar.
The barcodes, like the rest of the objects, will be contained within a section or a subsection.

When a barcode is inserted in the report, the object will look like the following:

The size of the barcodes, same as the labels cannot be modified using the mouse.
However, they can be altered using the properties height and BarWidh, the expression property and the sample value.

Unless the barcode expresses a fixed value, the field expression will always be (or contain) a variable that is retrieved from the Rpx or Rpv file.

Specific properties for Barcode object.



Barcode type

This property sets the type of barcode to be used. To choose it, just click on the combo to show the options.

X /Column

This property sets the horizontal position of the object. It can be expressed with numbers or one of the columns that are declared.
It is also possible to define values such as "$Col_01 + 200" to obtain a value related to a defined column.

Y position

The property "Y position" sets the vertical position of the object related to the begin of section or subsection that the object belongs to. Expressed in twips.


This property defines the expression that will be shown in the barcode in runtime. Ussually this value will contain a variable.

Sample value

This property is set to define a sample value to show in design time. Even when is possible to change it, this property doesn't have any effect on the report in runtime. The property that will be seen is Expression.


Defines the height of the object. Expressed in twips.


Defines the width of the lines. This property will define the width of the lines and spaces of th barcode. Increase the barwidth to obtain wider barcodes.


The colors are expressed in R,G,B mode with decimal values from 0 to 255. Additionally, it is possible to open the Windows color pallette to choose or prepare an specific color.


Defines if the barcode will be vertical or horizontal. In case that is vertical, the height property will invert and will be used to set the width of the object while the barwidth, expression and sample value properties will affect the height of the object.

Align to Grid

This property defines if the object will be aligned to the grid automatically or not. In case that is set to "No" the movement will be completelly free.

Print at runtime

Use this property to define if the object will be printed or not when the report is set to printer. This property doesn't affect the preview of the report and is recommended to use preprinted forms.

It is remmarkable that each barcode has its limitations regarding the characters that they can show. For example, STANDARD 3-9 has the ability to show letters and numbers. EAN13 can only show 13 numeric positions while EAN8 can only show 8 chars. It is recommended to place real values to avoid problems showing barcodes.

See also

Inserting QR codes
Objects common properties

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